5278 N. Nevada Ave, Suite 190, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
5278 N. Nevada Ave, Suite 190,
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Veteran-Owned and Operated
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Aspen Aesthetics + Wellness

Frequently Asked Questions

Table Of Contents


Many people are unaware that different brands of Toxins are available for their wrinkle relaxation treatments. Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are each brand names, and slightly different strains of botulinum toxin, and manufactured by different 5 of 35 companies.

There are slight differences in price for each brand. Having more choices for your brand of neurotoxin means that you can further customize your medication to your personal needs and preferences. We will sit down during an in person consultation and walk you through the benefits and risks of each brand.

You will show a progression of reduction in fine lines and wrinkles over the course of 2 weeks. Soon your will see a natural, more smooth and youthful appearance.

Number of units depends on your individual muscle strength, as well as how long you would like your treatment to last. The more units injected, the longer the treatment can last. You should plan for 30-60 units for treatment of the top third of the face. Treating the frown lines, forehead lines and crows feet will result in the most natural results, since this will ensure the brows are raised and the muscle systems are balanced.

For tox on the lower face, your provider will work with you to determine goals, areas to treat and number of units.

Depending on dose administered, neurotoxin treatments usually last three to four months. We will help you schedule your return visits so you maintain your treatment benefits. Since neurotoxins provide temporary results, plan 3-4 visits per year to maintain a consistent look. Receiving treatments when you gain back about 70% of movement in treated muscles is recommended.

It is best if you avoid heavy sweating and working out for 4-6 hours following your treatment.  This is because some of the injections are very superficial, and if you open your pores and sweat, you may sweat out some of your Tox, which may decrease the efficacy of your treatment.  Other things to avoid would include, hot showers, blow drying your hair, sauna, or hot tub. 

Facial Balancing/Dermal Filler FAQs

Dermal fillers we use are composed of hyaluronic acid. This is a naturally occurring substance within our skin which decreases as we age. The hyaluronic acid in a manufactured dermal filler closely resembles that of our natural HA and can be manufactured with varying degrees of thickness.

When injected under the skin, HA filler can smooth, volumize and contour the structures of your face. The fillers we use are dissolvable with a medication we have in office called Hylenex. 

Most people are very comfortable during filler injections and describe the process as pinchy but tolerable. We use topical and injectable numbing medications which aids greatly in minimizing the pain of injections.

Typically, facial balancing will require at least 2 syringes of dermal filler. Your personalized treatment plan will determine the specific treatment areas, modalities, and number of syringes.

No, the injectables will complement and enhance your features while maintaining subtle and natural results. We practice using a philosophy of “less is more, but in more areas”.

Aspen Aesthetics Studio uses only FDA-approved dermal fillers from the following brand names: Restylane, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Silk, Restylane Refyne, Restylane Defyne, Juvederm, Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus, Juvederm, Juvederm Voluma, Juvederm Vollure, Juvederm Volbella, RHA, RHA2, RHA3, Revanesse, Sculptra and Radiesse. By blending different fillers, we can achieve outstanding results that address multiple concerns
 simultaneously, while maintaining a balanced and harmonious look.

Lips FAQs

We only do natural and balanced enhancements at Aspen Aesthetics Studio. Therefore, creating a customized treatment plan is essential to achieve the desired result and will depend on your natural lip shape. Achieving the look you want may take multiple sessions; trust the process.

Because we use our lips and mouth area so much, maintenance filler dissolving is always a possibility with lip filler injections. We minimize this by building lip volume slowly and using Botox in the upper lip to reduce lip movement while your filler settles.

No. That is not an outcome we allow our clients + members to live with. Depending on your baseline lip and facial structure, we will create a comprehensive plan to avoid an unnatural result. This is why we analyze other aspects of your face and build lip volume slowly to avoid a forward protruding upper lip.

Most people are very comfortable during lip filler injections and describe the process as pinchy but tolerable. We use topical and injectable numbing medications which aids greatly in minimizing the pain of injections.

Non Surgical Nose Job FAQs

The ideal candidate for a liquid nose job has a prominent dorsal hump by the bridge of their nose and a down turned tip. The is achieved by strategically placing hyaluronic acid dermal filler we can mold the nose to camouflage bumps and lift the tip. We are also able to improve asymmetries.

No, the procedure is performed using topical numbing cream and there is typically minimal pain, bruising or swelling. You will be aware of some pressure during the procedure. And your nose will be mildly swollen and sore for a few weeks. There is no down time and results are seen immediately.

The results from a non surgical nose job are not permanent. You body will eventually break down the HA filler and you will need maintenance treatments if you would like to maintain your results. If you wish to revert back to your natural nose shape, the filler can be dissolved at any time.

Tear Trough Filler FAQs

We will perform a pre-assessment over text and look at your area of concern. If you look to be a good candidate for non surgical dark circle and tear trough injections we will then have you schedule for an in person consultation and treatment. We will then review the process and treatment plan which will get you to your goals.

No, we do not perform treat trough filler with HA dermal filler if your result would lead to puffiness in the under eye. We have other procedures including bio stimulation with PRF Gel and skin tightening procedures if HA dermal filler is not an option.

Most people are very comfortable during non surgical dark circle injections and describe the process as pinchy but tolerable. We use topical and injectable numbing medications which aids greatly in minimizing the pain of injections.

You will feel mildly swollen and sore in the area that was treated however, this dissipates in several days for most people. Brushing is typically extremely minimal and can be concealed with makeup as well as healed with topical bruising cream.


EZ PRF combines your body's own platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) with albumin to create a natural filler using your body's own blood components. The PRF growth factors obtained through your own blood source is a great alternative to, or adjunct in combination with hyaluronic acid dermal filler.  It is 100% natural, regenerative, and volumizing. Many people are uncomfortable with risks associated with HA dermal filler, and EZ Gel can be a great alternative option. This is especially applicable for those interested in under eye rejuvenation, where HA filler results can be especially unpredictable. 

EZ Gel PRF is very safe due to the fact that the volumizing filler is your body’s own growth factor. Side effects are the same as with any facial injections such as pain, soreness, swelling, bleeding, bruising, and redness around the area of injection.  These side effects are temporary and will completely resolve, usually in about 3 days - 2 weeks depending on the total volume of PRF Gel injected. 

There is very minimal, to no social down time after EZ Gel PRF.  Most people will feel and look extra puffy around the area treated, which is usually the under eye or tear trough.  It’s looks similarly to seasonal allergy swelling or the swelling after being stung by a bee.  The duration of the swelling depends on the volume of Gel injected, typically ranging being 3 days to 2 weeks. 

Natural skin, collagen, and volume regeneration with EZ Gel PRF typically takes 3-6 months depending on the goals for the treatment area.  We recommend most clients start with 3 sessions, 4 weeks apart and then maintain with 1-3 treatments per year to keep this delicate area as collagen dense as possible.  

Tear trough filler is an injection of hyaluronic acid filler under the tear trough ligament and possibly along the bony rim of the under eye region.  HA filler is an almost immediate result, 2 session requirement, for those who are candidates.  Those clients with loose skin to their under eye area have much less complication with EZ Gel PRF.  EZ Gel harnesses your own bloods growth factors and is prepped into the consistency of HA filler and injected with the same technique.  This is typically a 3 session requirement and will peak 3 months after your 3rd treatment, as collagen regeneration is not an immediate process. 

Improvement in darkness and hollowness around the under the eyes is often a priority for our clients. Tear trough filler is a procedure where hyaluronic acid gel filler is placed in this region to add lost volume and displace the thinning skin away from the darker structures like muscle and blood vessels, improving the dark shadows in this region. However, many people are not good candidates for tear trough filler because of under eye skin laxity.  If the skin of the under-eye is too loose, tear trough filler will not have enough support and can result in unpredictable outcomes which are not aesthetically pleasing. EZ Gel uses your organic grow factors to add volume and collagen to this area.  It is a slower process than HA filler, however has none of the complication risk compared to tear trough filler. 

EZ Gel treatments generally involve little social downtime.  The injection sites may have temporary redness, swelling, or bruising. Most people will feel and look extra puffy around the area treated, which is usually the under eye or tear trough.  It’s looks similarly to seasonal allergy swelling or the swelling after being stung by a bee.  The duration of the swelling depends on the volume of Gel injected, typically ranging being 3 days to 2 weeks. To prevent increased bruising and swelling we recommend waiting 24 hours post treatment prior to resuming rigorous exercise.

Volume loss and laxity to the under eye skin is a high risk area and difficult problem to treat.  Options with HA filler are very limited and typically not the best choice to start regeneration in this region for most people. We have seen fantastic results with EZ Gel treatment series and have many clients thrilled with the improvement in this delicate area.  So we say, YES, absolutely, EZ Gel is totally worth it!

OHH Injection FAQs

The Ohh-Injection is a term for “orgasm shot”. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), is taken from your own blood, isolated and prepped. Separate injections are performed to the clitoris and in the area of the Grafenburg spot, or "G-Spot.” The G-Spot is a term for the area within the vaginal wall which encases a plexus of nerves. With enhanced tissue regeneration from PRP women report increase sexual arousal and heightened orgasm during times of intimate stimulation.

Many women experience changes in their ability and experience during orgasm, and one option for improvement is a PRP injection in the G-Spot and Clitoris.  PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, and is essentially a concentration of growth factors, organic to you, that exist in the platelet component of your blood.  Just as your body can heal itself after a scrape or injury, we can use that same principle to regenerate collagen dense skin cells around areas of nerve packages, and that increase in tightness can produce heightened sexual arousal, lubrication, and ability and quality of sexual orgasm. 

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, and is the portion of our blood that contains all the growth factors that help us heal and regenerate after a cut or injury. If you think about a time when you had a superficial  scrape or abrasion to your knee, you may recall a yellow fluid which appeared, followed by a scab formation.  The scab eventually fell off and then new pink skin grew in its place. That yellow fluid is platelet-rich plasma. We are able to isolate and concentrate that portion of blood wherever we need it to aid in aging related volume loss. PRP can also create new blood vessels and nerves.

PRP treatments have most often been used to treat injuries in athletes with sports related injuries, aid in recovery from surgery, and can treat conditions like hair loss. It can essentially be injected into any part of the body that needs healing.

A PRP injection to the G-Spot and Clitoris can improve vaginal sensation, sexual function, increased arousal and sexual desire, lubrication, heightened orgasm during sex or masturbation, incontinence and other conditions.

Our medical provider will start out with a consultation, asking you questions about your general health as well as your concerns regarding sexual health. If you are a good candidate for an Ohh-Injection and scheduled a treatment appointment, we will have you remove your pants and underwear in a private room and begin by applying a topical numbing cream to your clitoris and G-spot. We will then have a licensed professional draw your blood and spin it in a centrifuge to separate the plasma containing the platelets from the red blood cell component of the blood. 30 minutes following the application of topical numbing cream we cleanse and disinfect the area to be injected. You will need to butterfly your legs for this portion. 2 separate injections of platelets will be administered, one to the clitoris and another to the G-Spot inside the vaginal opening. We apply some gauze pads in case there is any bleeding and you are then free to dress. 

The Ohh-injection is not very painful.  The treatment areas are numbed with a topical cream for maximum comfort, although a small number of people may feel a pinch at the time of injection, or a slight burning sensation during the injection due to the way the plasma interacts with the body tissue. The scary part is more so the though of having a needle in a sensitive and private area. 

There are very few side effects from an Ohh-injection treatment.  Burning, pinching, swelling, soreness, redness, or bruising can occur as with any injection. It is also possible to experience hesitancy when attempting urination for the first 24-48 hours due to the volume of liquid PRP injected or swelling pressing against the urethra. This issue subside with intentional relaxation and time. There have been no long-term complications reported with the use of PRP injection to this region. 

Recovery from the Ohh-injection is very quick. You may experience a small amount of sensitivity or a “pinching” sensation for usually no more than 3 days following the procedure. for a day or two. To to swelling we recommend waiting 2 weeks following the procedure prior to initiating intercourse. Visible bruising may be present and will subside in approximately 2 weeks.

Within 2-3 weeks after your Ohh-Injection treatment new tissue will begin to develop. This regenerative process will peak at 3 months post injection. Many people first report increased sexual arousal as well as increased lubrication in that region. Most people receive this treatment in a series of 3 injections, 4 weeks apart, followed by 1-2 injections per year to maintain the results. 

We recommend doing the Ohh-injection vaginal rejuvenation treatment in a series of 3 treatments, 4 weeks apart, followed by 1-2 treatments per year to maintain optimal result.

Ohh-injection procedure results can vary depending on the patient, but they generally last between 12-18 months. On average, most women repeat the procedure every 12 months.

Sculptra/HD Radiesse FAQs

Collagen is quite the wonder protein. Aside from serving a vital role for many parts of our body, it’s also one of the major building blocks of our skin. Unfortunately, as we age, natural collagen production slows down. The result is a loss of elasticity and volume that leads to sagging skin as well the development of facial lines and wrinkles. It is a natural protein that gives skin its youthfulness by keeping it firm and toned.

The results from Sculptra are not permanent. You body will eventually break down the new collagen and you will need maintenance treatments if you would like to maintain your results.

Most people are very comfortable during sculptra injections and describe the process as pinchy but tolerable. We use topical and injectable numbing medications which aids greatly in minimizing the pain of injections.

Sculptra is for those who are in good health 20 years of age and older. So if facial lines and sagging skin are an unwanted part of your life and you’d love the chance to tackle the issue with an effective long-term solution, then Sculptra may be a great choice for you. During your consultation, our staff will explain the treatment in detail and answer any questions you may have.

The most common side effects reported have included the following: Redness, Swelling, and Tenderness. These are usually mild and resolve on their own in a matter of days.

As lost collagen is gradually replenished, you’ll start to notice those lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin begin to improve over time. This1313 will continue over the course of your treatments and beyond. Optimum results occur in a few months and last for up to two years.

Kybella/PCDC FAQs

Kybella may be an effective treatment option for you if you are healthy and exercise regularly, but have areas of fat that don’t respond to diet or exercise, particularly in the neck or chin. You may not be eligible if you’ve had neck or chin surgery previously. Kybella can be a preferred treatment option for both men and women.

The number of treatments required will vary from patient to patient and with the area of the body being treated, to a maximum of six treatments.Will I need to use special products afterwards?Is the procedure painful?Pro-nox Pain Relief AvailablePro-nox Pain Relief is available for any service that requires extra care and comfort. Pro-nox is a combination nitrous oxide and oxygen analgesia system, offering rapid onset pain management and anxiety relief. It is similar to what you would receive at the dentist to help take the edge off.

Common potential side effects include swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness and areas of hardness in the treatment area. Kybella/PCDC injections can also cause tingling, nodule, itching, skin tightness and headache. These side effects typically resolve themselves without treatment and do not usually result in clients + members stopping treatment.

Comfort Management (ProNox/DSUVIA/Topical Lido/Injectable Lido/Distraction/Zimmer/Ice) FAQs

Comfort is a high priority for our clients at Aspen Aesthetics. Therefore, we offer a multitude of options for comfort management.  Many of our clients + members find our distraction techniques to be very effective for most of our aesthetic procedures.  Distractions techniques include vibration devices, fans, ice packs, and cold air blower devices. We also use strong topical numbing creams as well as injectable numbing medication for many injectable and resurfacing procedures. 

Our highly skilled clinical director has an extensive background and specialty in facial anatomy and anesthetics. She will often perform nerve blocks with injectable numbing medication when indicated.  We also offer oral pain medication, which is administered in office, and wares off so you you can drive home following you treatment. 

Additionally we offer Pro-Nox comfort management system, which is similar to laughing gas which you may have experienced at the dentist.

For facial injections our providers will offer a facial vibrator.  This is a battery powered hand held tool that vibrates as you hold it against your face.  Nice your brand and central nervous system can old interpret so much sensory information at any one time, the perception of pain caused by injections is minimized.  

Pro-nox Pain Relief is available for any service that requires extra care and comfort. Pro-nox is a combination nitrous oxide and oxygen analgesia system, offering rapid onset pain management and anxiety relief. It is administered via a simple breathing circuit, placed in your mouth and you can inhale and exhale the anesthetic gas. It is similar to what you would receive at the dentist to help take the edge off.

The pain medication we use wares off within or shortly after your procedure time.  So most people can drive home immediately following their scheduled procedure time.  For those who need a little extra time to recover, we make sure you are comfortable and offer you refreshments as you recover and when your feeling safe to drive home you are welcome to do so!

Wish any substance of medication there can be associated risks.  One of the more common risks with this combination is nausea.  Therefore we recommend you have light meal prior to your treatments and stay well hydrated.  We also administer an anti-nausea medication with our comfort management protocol.  Additional risks can include allergic reaction, changes to breathing, numbness and tingling, and dizziness.  Our experienced and highly skilled nurse practitioner with a specialty in anesthesia ensures all the necessary emergency protocols, medication, and equipment maintained in office with proper staff training.   

Medically Corrective Facial FAQs

When it comes to a professional facial treatment, there is a difference between a day spa facial and a medical spa facial. The biggest difference is that a medical spa facial will use medical grade skincare products and can include medical-grade treatments like microdermabrasion, different depth of chemical exfoliation or peels, and energy based device such as laser, radiofrequency or IPL.

Medical Facials address all different skin types and conditions and every facial is customized for each client's skin because when it comes to facials, one size does not fit all.

Regularly scheduled medical facials address improvement in skin health and maintenance rather than simply a deep cleansing and facial massage experience. However, everyone finds it to be a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Our corrective facial services are a very comprehensive regenerative combination of exfoliation, redness and vascularity reduction, brown pigment reduction, extraction and reduction of enlarged/clogged pores, dermaplaning, and bacterial acne management.

To look and feel its best, your skin needs personal attention from a professional. An experienced medical esthetician is able to deeply analyze your overall skin condition with the ability to treat the details with fully customizable chemical exfoliants, and energy based devices. In addition to professional in office skin treatments, a medical esthetician can prescribe a corrective combination of home based production that will help maintain your optimum skin health at home in between facials.

If you are a new client to our practice, plan to fill out your health history and intake forms prior to you scheduled appointment time. All new client appointments incorporate a consultations as well as an evaluation of your skin using a magnify lamp. Our providers will ask you about your goals for your skin, and make a recommendation for skincare products and treatments to help you reach those goals. A signature facial generally consists of a cleansing, exfoliation, steam, massage and a treatment mask. A corrective facial will incorporate much more, such as galvanic pore extraction, customized Alpha/Beta hydroxy acid peels, and laser or radio frequency based regenerative devices.

Since our customized facials are designed to work on your skin from the décolleté up, you may want to plan on removing your makeup or pulling long hair back, although a head wrap will be used to protect your hair and a thorough cleanse will be done at the beginning of the facial. If you are using retinol/tretinoin in your home skincare regimen you should stop using them 2-5 days prior to your facial appointment, depending on how sensitized or irritated your skin gets with these products. Men should be clean shaved unless bearded. Other than these few easy steps, simply be ready to relax and enjoy an elevated skincare experience.

Depending on the specific modalities incorporated into your facial you may experience some mild discomfort if energy based devices such as laser, IPL, or radiofrequency. Most people describe the sensation as a quick snap of a rubber band on their skin. Following your treatment your face may feel warm, like a mild sunburn for about an hour.

Some people see results immediately, and your skin should feel different right away. The skin feels, clean, smooth, hydrated, and reflects a new level of health that’s visibly noticeable.  If the skin has more advanced long-term needs, such as treatment of skin aging, acne or hyper-pigmentation caused by hormonal fluctuations or sun damage, results may not be immediately visible. However, skin health will continue to improve as time and repeat treatments further regenerate your skin. In office treatments are fantastic, but nothing can replace a good medical grade home skincare regimen.

There are many reasons your skin needs corrective facials over the long term. No matter how hard we try, the environmental exposure and continued aging will require professional in office regenerative interventions to keep you on track for your skin health goals. As we age, the skins cellular turnover decreases. Collagen induction therapy with microneedling, alpha and beta hydroxy acids, and laser and/or radio frequency can keep you feeling in control of your skins health, and keep you feeling like the best version of yourself. Routine treatments over time allow our providers to effectively address issues that may arise from time to time, as your skin’s needs are constantly changing.

Our skin is a living organ and goes through fluctuations as climate and seasons change. That factor as well as air conditioning and forced-air heating, the skin is stressed. Cold winds and low temperatures can dry out skin, depriving it of balanced levels of oils, contributing to dryness, sensitivity and premature aging. Prolonged exposure to the sun causes water to evaporate from skin, which is why skin that has recently been burned or tanned requires more moisturizing than unexposed areas. Forced-air heating also dries out skin. Warm, dry air acts like a sponge, soaking up moisture from everything it touches.  To help skin stay healthy with the seasons, we will modifying your skin care regimen accordingly.

No, but talk to your provider about what products you are using. Many products from drug stores or beauty counters contain ingredients that cause or contribute to skin issues such as dryness, oiliness, acne breakouts and redness.

Generally, facials are recommended once a month. However, we can discuss your specific needs, desired outcomes and schedule together. 

Galvanic FAQs

Most clients get a galvanic facial once a month.

A galvanic device is a treatment tool that can be used to apply both negative and positive electrical current to the skin, and affect change at a cellular level. Sometimes referred to as cosmetic electrotherapy, galvanic current can be used to infuse skin tissue and facial muscles with a low to medium electrical current, facilitating effects as stimulating blood circulation, boosting cellular turnover, and very effectively breaking down congestion and clogged pores and black heads.  It also provides our practitioners with a unique capacity to introduce various active topical products deeper into the skin for maximum efficacy.

Galvanic technology works by converting alternating electrical current into one direct current. Charged electrical ions within the skin will either be attracted or repelled by the current, creating certain specific reactions. This current is then applied one of two ways, depending on the desired reaction we are looking to create.

One of the main reasons we use galvanic in our corrective facial treatments, is for desincrustation to remove congestion from the pores. When used in conjunction with an alkaline or negative-pH product, galvanic technology is able to achieve a deeper extraction via a process known as saponification. This also makes the extraction portion of our facial treatments extremely tolerable compared to other pore extraction procedures or techniques.

Our expert medical esthetician utilizes corrective skin products in combination with the chemical reaction created by the electrical current of the galvanic, acts to soften keratin, oil plugs, and sebum, thereby making it much easier to extract the follicles. As you can imagine, this technique is extremely effective for improving oily skin, acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and enlarged congested pores.

On the opposite end of the galvanic spectrum is the process of iontophoresis, which is used to treat the skin using ionic penetration. With an almost magnet-like effect, positively charged ions deliver water-based products and solutions deep into the epidermis. This is also known to create a vasoconstrictive effect and promote lymphatic activity, helping to calm the skin, and promote repair. Iontophoresis is primarily used to treat a dry, dehydrated, or depleted complexion since it is incredibly effective at improving product absorption and moisture retention. It is also very effective for improving mature or aged skin, working to address conditions such as free radical damage, skin laxity, and hyperpigmentation.

Galvanic facials are fantastic for both reducing active acne and future breakouts. The negative ionic current can be particularly helpful for destroying bacteria, as well as breaking up dead skin cells, waxy sebum, and stubborn oil plugs. The desincrustation process provides the kind of deep extraction needed to allow for further pore refinement when moving through your treatment plan. For mature or aging skin, iontophoresis can provide a solution for addressing age-related concerns. In the short term, galvanic can help plump and smooth the skin, minimizing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and rough texture. Additionally, with consistent treatment over time, administering electrical current will encourage rejuvenation, providing cumulative benefits such as increased collagen synthesis and cellular renewal. Iontophoresis may also be a great option for anyone struggling with the effects of poor moisture retention, especially as it pertains to sensitive skin or a damaged barrier. By getting better treatment product penetration targeted to improve the skins natural moisture production, galvanic treatment can aid in reversing epidermal water loss, while also soothing and calming irritated skin.

Galvanic treatments are safe for all skin types. Just about anyone who wants improvement in their complexion and skin health will see improvement with a galvanic facial.

There are a few instances in which a galvanic treatment is not recommended. Galvanic current is not appropriate during pregnancy, for those with epilepsy, diabetes, or a heart condition. It should not be used on anyone who has braces or other metal implants in the area of treatment.

If you are currently familiar with microcurrent, you might be wondering how these treatments differ from each other. While both types of equipment utilize electrical current to stimulate the skin and can produce similar results, the technical difference lies in the type of current used. Microcurrent uses alternating current, whereas galvanic uses direct current. The other difference is that microcurrent lacks the ability to create the chemical reaction necessary to increase skin and pore permeability, delivering water-based formulas deeper into the dermis.

These treatments work very differently. Microdermabrasion is a form of exfoliation using a hand held suction machine with a diamond tip to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin.
In some cases these treatments are combined writhing the same appointment for an elevated result as microdermabrasion can be used to prep the skin for penetration of products via galvanic.

Microcurrent Facial FAQs

Microcurrent facials are a fantastic anti-ageing treatment. During a microcurrent facial treatment your medical esthetician will be moving small electrical probes around your face, which pass painless electrical current into the skin on your face and neck to help tone, lift, firm, and reeducate tired muscles. This low-voltage electricity stimulates muscle, cell growth, and collagen development in the dermis on the face. This conditions the muscles of the face, stimulates collagen, and can make the skin appear tighter. The microcurrent devices also uses three different currents that work together to allow for toning and better absorption of skincare products.

The anti-aging benefits can be very impressive if you have mild to moderate skin laxity and volume loss.  Following a microcurrent facial you can expect improved lift and tone to the cheeks and brows, tightening around the jawline, improved circulation, elasticity, and diminish swelling under the eyes.  And like many facial treatments, the results are cumulative, so the more you micro, the better. However, you can expect a noticeably brighter, healthier, and younger-looking complexion after just one treatment.

The devices may look a bit like a science experiment, however microcurrent facials are safe and effective. The side effects are very rare but can include nausea, fatigue, and drowsiness usually starting during or about 90 minutes after the treatment and may last from four to 24 hours post treatment.

Microcurrent facials are suitable for all skin types, with some caveats. If you’ve had any botox or fillers we recommend waiting two weeks for a microcurrent treatment. It’s also not indicated for anyone who has a pacemaker or electrical or metal plate implants, severe acne, cancer, pregnancy, or epilepsy.

Radiofrequency Facial FAQs

A radiofrequency facial is a non-invasive treatment that uses heat energy to create a controlled injury to your skin, which initiates the production of new collagen and elastin. These are the two major structural proteins with in your skin which degenerate as we age. With any injury, whether it's a big cut or a tiny scratch, your body works overtime to heal the wound, creating collagen dense new skin cells, which increases skin firmness, tightness, and smoothness.

No! There are a bunch of different radiofrequency treatments, and depending on the level of energy they give off and the depth at which they penetrate skin, each one can provide different results. Some radiofrequency facials are perfect for a little boost right before a big event, but not the best for long-term collagen building. Other radiofrequency face treatments (like Pixel8 radiofrequency microneedling) are more intense. Because of its higher intensity, it is able to deliver more noticeable and longer-lasting lifting and tightening results.

Most clients + members say that radiofrequency (without microneedling) feels like a hot stone massage for your face. It's fairly quick, requires little to no downtime, and is essentially painless.

One of the great things about a radiofrequency facial is that the results are both immediate and long-lasting. Your skin would look great in a few days, and you will notice even more skin tightening and smoothing after about 3 months, since the collagen building process takes time. On average, the skin tightening results last about six months. The best way to maintain those skin-tightening results is to incorporate collagen-boosting face serums such as ZO Growth Factor Serum and ZO Firming Serum that contain active ingredients like peptides, retinol, and growth factors into your daily routine. And also to make sure you are planning for 1-3 maintenance treatments per year to stay ahead of the natural aging process to maintain optimal results.

While you'll def notice a difference in your skin after one treatment, we recommend three radiofrequency facials spaced one month apart for the best results. By the third treatment, your skin will have an immediate glow that gets better over time. After your third treatment, a 1-3 maintenance appointments per year are recommenced to prolong the benefits.

Radiofrequency facials are safe for all skin types.

Radiofrequency energy is a form of radiation. Radiation is the release of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. It can be classified as low energy or high energy depending on the amount of energy released. X-rays and gamma rays are examples of high energy radiation while radiofrequency waves are considered low energy. Radio waves, WiFi, and microwaves are all forms of radiofrequency  waves. The form of radiation used in radiofrequency facials releases about 1 billion times less energy than X-rays.

Mesotherapy Facial FAQs

“No-Needle” Mesotherapy, also called Transdermal Mesotherapy, is a safe needle free way to deliver medical grade treatment products with higher concentrations of corrective ingredients into the ‘meso’ or middle layer of the skin. By using a mild low frequency currency together with ultrasound, the topical serums are transported via small channels through the skins surface deeper into the cellular level for better efficacy. These corrective ingredients such as antioxidants, vitamins, peptides and hyaluronic acid regenerate the skin, leading to healthier, smoother, toned and more youthful skin.

Transdermal Mesotherapy uses electric current and is an alternative to injections (which use needles) in order to enhance the regenerative capabilities of the skin as well as increase the efficacy of topical corrective facial serums.  This treatment does not cause any pain, bruising or down time.

Transdermal Mesotherapy is beneficial for skin rejuvenation and revitalisation. It can improve the appearance of fines, wrinkles, sun damage uneven skin tone, brown pigmentation. It’s also a great option to improve delicate areas like thinning skin around the under eye and dark circles.  Mesotherapy can enhance the efficacy of treatment products to improve oily, acne prone, congested skin.

Electroporation and transdermal Mesotherapy are essentially interchangeable terms for the the same thing. These innovative and non-invasive modalities offer our providers an efficient and no down time technique to penetrate the skin barrier to get better cellular repair and greater skin health.

There is essentially zero downtime after a Mesotherapy facial.  Additional components of the facial may incorporate downtime, because our corrective facials are fully customized with a multimodal approach for optimal + elevated results. 

High doses of active molecules delivered to the deepest layers of the dermis (places that beauty creams cannot reach) induce fibroblasts to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. This leads, after only one or two sessions, to visibly renewed and radiant skin.

Ideally you should do a transdermal or no-needle Mesotherapy treatment in a series of 3-6 session every 4 weeks for optimal results.  Maintenance depends on your specific skin condition. This will be discussed and customized during our providers consultation with you.

A red-carpet facial is a term for a pre-event skin treatment, such as a wedding or public appearance, which generate rapid results with virtually no downtime, so you can feel fully confident that your putting your best face forward.  Mesotherapy Facial Treatments can do just that!

Transdermal, or no-needle Mesotherapy operates at the cellular level, enhancing our ability to administer potent anti-aging products directly to the cells. In a Mesotherapy facial, brief bursts of low current are delivered to the face to disrupt the cell membrane, facilitating the direct delivery of serums to the cells. With our Mesotherapy device, the membrane remains unharmed and swiftly reverts to its original state. Benefits can include: Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, enhanced delivery of skin correcting products, and an increased production of collagen and elastin, firming and lifting the skin.

Lamprobe FAQs

The Lamprobe is an instrument which quickly and effectively treats a variety of common skin irregularities including age spots, benign moles,  cherry angiomas, cholesterol deposits, clogged pores, milia, and skin tags.

Anyone who has superficial benign, minor conditions of the skin may be good candidates for the Lamprobe.

The Lamprobe procedure is performed at our office.

Anesthesia is not necessary for the Lamprobe procedure. The treatment is fast and feels like a tiny little rubber band hitting the surface of the skin for a brief moment.

The Lamprobe is a hand hand held narrow device that is held like a pen by the provided. It has a sterile and disposable tip which is is applied to the treatment area for just three to five seconds per spot. The heat generated at the tip of the probe dehydrates the lesion, sealing off the blood flow to the area.

The Lamprobe process takes just three to five seconds per spot. Patients may require a repeat treatment in order to reach a desired outcome.

There is no downtime following a Lamprobe procedure and you can return to your normal routine immediately after treatment. The treated areas will need a healing time of a couple of days to 2 weeks. Any lingering redness or pigment concerns will be addressed at your follow up appointment. 

A Lamprobe procedure is virtually risk free. There is a possibility of superficial infection to the treated area, lingering lesion that requires re-treatment, or lingering redness or pigment changes after healing which may need to be addressed at a follow up appointment.

Dermaplaning FAQs

Dermaplaning is a treatment that uses a medical scalpel to gently exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells and remove fine facial hair commonly known as “peach fuzz”, technically called “vellus” hair. It can be used in conjunction with hydra facial, medical facial, laser treatments and microdermabrasion for an enhanced result. This procedure will give your skin a more radiant appearance. Following the treatment, makeup application is smoother and other skincare products are able to penetrate deeper in turn making hem more effective.

The ideal candidate for Dermaplaning has aging, dry, rough, or  uneven skin tone. Dermaplaning can also help reduce the appearance of shallow acne scars, fine lines and superficial hyperpigmentation.

This treatment is extremely safe when performed by an properly trained skincare professional. There is no more risk to the skin than when you shave your legs. There is also no downtime associated with this procedure.

Dermaplaning is effective by performing a gentle scraping motion across the skin’s surface. With hair removal such as waxing and threading, most people have the idea that all hair removal is painful, but Dermaplaning is entirely painless. There are risks of cuts on the skin, however they are small and very minor as the pressure used for Dermaplaning cannot cause a deep cut. These nicks and scrapes  heal within 24-48 hours.

No. There are different types of hair that grow on the body; vellus hair and terminal hair. Vellus hair is found on most areas of the body except palms, soles, lips and genital areas, whereas terminal hairs are found on the scalp, underarms and pubic region. The soft and fine vellus hair grows back at the same rate and texture.

Hyperkeratosis is a build up of dead skin cells on the skin’s surface. By removing this initial layer, a chemical peel is able to penetrate deeper into the dermis resulting in a more effective treatment. The conjunction of dermaplaning and a chemical peel leaves the skin refreshed and rejuvenated. Together they promote new skin growth and target problems such as aging, sun spots and environmental damage.

Dermaplaning takes anywhere between 30-45 minutes and can be performed every 3-4 weeks. The treatment itself removes approximately 21 days worth of dead skin so it is important to let your skin rejuvenate before your next appointment.

Both options are a form of physical exfoliation. Dermaplaning removes vellus hair (peach fuzz) and dead skin cells from the skin, microdermabrasion also exfoliate the surface of the skin, but not as thoroughly or deeply as dermaplaning does.

Microdermabrasion FAQs

Microdermabrasion is a deep, medical-grade physical exfoliation that vacuums away dead skin cells from the epidermis, which then helps promote the growth of new and healthy skin cells. It also improves skin tone and texture, helps reduce superficial scars, deeply exfoliates the skin, allows for better treatment product penetration, and improves the overall health of your complexion.

You’ll see glowing and younger looking skin instantly after one treatment, but long-term results are much more likely when the treatment is completed in a series and maintained on a schedule. After a series of treatments, most people say they have smoother skin and a more-radiant complexion. 

Microdermabrasion is non-invasive and not painful. It feels like mild suction along with a slightly scratchy sensation as the diamond tip is moved sequentially along the surface of your skin.

Our expert provider uses a handheld device that gently removes the top layer of skin. You may feel a sanding sensation, but this is not painful. It takes about 30 to 40 minutes to treat the entire face and about 20 minutes to treat the neck.

You may need to apply a moisturizer or other skin care product at home.

You will be given a skin-care plan that includes sun protection. Protecting your skin form the sun helps ensure the best possible results and reduces the risk of side effects.

You will not have downtime or a recovery period. Some clients + members’ skin turns pink or red. The skin can swell a bit. These side effects are similar to having a sunburn or windburn for a day or two.

Patients who protect their skin from the sun and follow the recommended skin-care plan will maintain their results for a longer time. Yet, no matter what we do, our skin continues to age. Follow-up treatments are usually necessary to help retain smoother skin and a more radiant complexion.

After microdermabrasion, your treated skin may be pink or red and slightly swollen. This tends to disappear within a day. In some cases, the skin can bruise, burn, sting, or become extremely sensitive to sunlight. These will go away without treatment.

If your skin tends to develop dark spots after acne clears or a skin injury heals, you may have a greater risk of developing more dark spots.

Microdermabrasion treats only the top layer of the skin, so the skin recovers quickly. Most people can safely have another treatment a week later. Some clients + members, however, need several weeks to recover.

When performed by a dermatologist, microdermabrasion has an excellent safety record. 

Microdermabrasion also is performed in salons and non-medical spas. You can reduce your risk for side effects by having microdermabrasion performed by a dermatologist.

Both of these treatments should be done by an experienced esthetician and go hand in hand with a facial appointment, they are a painless additional step.  Both address renewing wrinkles and dull skin to expose another skin level.  These procedures both provide immediate results and will have you leaving with a noticeable glow, but there are a few differences to consider.

Each of these has different devices. Dermaplaning is performed using a scalpel (yes, like the surgical one) while microdermabrasion is performed with a small electric device. Microdermabrasion involves spraying your skin with an exfoliant while simultaneously sucking debris from your skin.  This exposes a new layer of skin and cleans the pores til they are bare.

Dermaplaning on the other hand manually removes the top layer of dead skin with the scalpel (essentially a straight razor) and in doing so takes off the white peach fuzz we all have over our face.  Dermaplaning does not address hyperpigmentation or redness but will help the treatment products penetrate down to the layer of skin where they really work.

Both treatments treat the dead superficial skin on the surface of the face and provide a deeper exfoliation to enhance cellular turnover and improve skin health. The biggest difference between the 2 treatments is that dermaplaning also removes the vellus (aka peach fuzz) hair on the face, giving a cleaner and more radiant look to the skin surface.

Chemical Peel FAQs

Chemical peel is a term that is used by many people to describe many different types of exfoliation using chemicals or enzymes. Chemical peels are broadly defined by the depth of damage in the skin that they produce. They can be superficial, medium, and deep. A chemical exfoliation is a term for a superficial chemical peel that will help dissolve the wax-y and oily build up without visible peeling or shedding.

Superficial peels, also referred to as chemical exfoliations, only exfoliate the dead layer of skin or the epidermis, the most superficial skin layer. These peels are better referred to as exfoliations because for the majority of people where is no visible skin shedding or peeling. Medium peels may reach to the superficial layer of the dermis, a deeper layer of the skin. These treatments will stimulate collagen regeneration as well as significant exfoliation that will be visible in the form of shedding and/or peeling. Deep peels affect the deeper layers of the dermis. Deep peels take longer for recovery and heeling.  The depth of the peel is determined by the type and concentration of the chemicals in the peeling solution, the manner they are applied and how long they are left on the skin. There are many different acids used in chemical peels and chemical exfoliations, including alpha-hydroxy acids, beta-hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic  acid, and phenol.

Chemical exfoliations are a “low-dose” approach to a chemical peel. This can be a very effective way to maintain the health of the skin without any visible downtime.  A chemical peel will likely produce a degree of visible peeling and skin shedding. This is because it is a stronger treatment and it is exfoliating to a deeper layer of the skin. Therefore, a medium depth chemical peel can address skin concerns, like brown pigment, which lives deeper in the dermis. Making the decision between these peel depths should be made during a consultation with our experienced medical esthetician and will be customized based on your personal comfort level, social downtime preferences, and overall goals within your treatment plan.

Because all of our chemical peels are customized the day of treatment, all skin conditions can benefit.  We also have specific treatment protocols to specifically address mature skin, large pores, oily/acne prone skin, rosacea or skin prone with redness and inflammation, brown age spots or hyperpigmentation, melasma. If you have multiple conditions or concerns, different protocols can be blended and modified to treat multiple problems at one time.

The side effects from a chemical peel are minimal. Your skin might feel dry and sensitive for a few days. Age spots and pigment can appear darker for several weeks. And breakouts might get worse before they get better. Possible side effects include and are not limited to: slight or extreme redness, histamine reaction, swelling, stinging, itchy, tender, dry or flaking skin.
In rare instances, hyperpigmentation/hypopigmentation, scarring, or infection can occur.

We keep in touch and check in with our clients + members to see if you need any assistance with these side effects as your skin heals.

You may feel some warmth and a brief burning sensation during the application of the chemical solution. It is very tolerable and a hand held fan feels very soothing during this procedure.

Your skin should start peeling 2-3 days after treatment and you may peel up to 7 days.

Due to a lack of research, chemical peels that contain TCA or salicylic acid are not recommended while pregnant.

TCA Cross FAQs

TCA CROSS is an acronym which stand for: Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) Chemical Reconstruction of Skin Scars (CROSS).  It is used to elevate and remodel depressed scars such as acne and chicken pox. In a full treatment plan and when used in conjunction with other scar treatments such as subcision and radiofrequency microneedling, exceptional improvement in the appearance of these scars is possible.

Deep acne scars can be very difficult to treat and typically do not respond with much visible improvement to laser treatments. TCA CROSS is one of the most effective ways to regenerate depressed and ice pick and boxcar acne scars. TCA CROSS is not a full face chemical peel. For this strong acid, the acne scars themselves are either isolated with micro-droplet and precise application, or treated with a single pass in small areas, like the lower cheeks.

In specialist hands, TCA CROSS is a very safe treatment and results are excellent. Patients will require two to three treatments for best outcomes

Treatment with the TCA CROSS method is virtually painless and skin recovery and healing is quicker than with a laser treatment.

When Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) is applied at a very high concentration it stimulates collagen formation from the base of a deep ice pick or box car scar. This collagen formation is gradual, and over 2-3 treatments, the scars fill up from the depths of the pick scar.

Scars are mapped and photographed before any treatment. This provides a starting point for you and your provider to monitor your progress and regeneration during the course of your treatments. To apply this potent ingredient, your skin is properly cleansed, exfoliated, and steamed. Then, under controlled  conditions in our treatment room,  our very experienced medical esthetician uses an applicator to instill a tiny amount of TCA into the base of the scar. Each scar is treated individually. On average it take between 10-20 minutes to perform a session of TCA cross. The procedure itself is very well tolerated, with virtually no discomfort.

Immediately following TCA CROSS, the treated skin turns white. Over a few hours, the area becomes much more red than the surrounding skin. Pin point areas surrounding the treated area may peel over the next 3 - 4 days. The skin slowly returns to its normal color over 8 - 21 days. In darker skin clients + members, pigmentation changes maybe more prolonged. It is essential that sun exposure is avoided for at least 2 weeks following a TCA chemical peel.

As with many other acne scar treatments, multiple sessions are advised for the best results. As a guide we encourage clients + members to complete 2-3 sessions, over a period of 3-6 months.  Very deep scars can be treated with additional resurfacing techniques, such as Pixel8 Radiofrequency Microneedling, during the time between TCA Cross treatments. Individually customized treatments plans over time will give the best results.

Variables in skin type, age of scars, active breakouts, home skin care compliance, and additional treatment modalities from one person to another can make improvement in acne scars difficult to predict. However, as a guide we aim for about 50 - 70% improvement of deep ice pick scars after a series of 2 - 3 TCA CROSS chemical peels.

Yes, absolutely. Our expert medical esthetician often combine a number of different energy based techniques to give the best possible results to our clients. Remember, most clients + members will have a number of different types of scars, and therefore a combination of treatments will be needed.

TCA CROSS can be used to treat acne scars in all skin types. Darker skin clients + members may develop slightly increased darkening of the treated skin (1 - 2mm areas), however this fades over a period of 2-4 weeks. In rare occasionspost treatment darkening may last a few months. The use of sunscreen after this procedure is imperative.

Our advanced medical esthetician and device expert performs an through consultation and in depth skin assessment prior to the start of any treatment.  The cost of this procedure will vary depending on the complexity of scars, number of anticipated treatments, and additional corrective procedures combined with your Medically Corrective Facial.

Microneedling/PRP Facial/Microchanneling FAQs

Collagen induction therapy (CIT) is a term which applies to any treatment which produces an injury to the skin in a safe way, which initiates collagen dense skin cell regeneration and not scar or fibrotic tissue regeneration. Microneedling is one of the gold standards for collagen induction therapy and is safe for all skin types, including hyperpigmentation issues such as melasma.  

Microneedling is becoming an increasingly popular method of skin rejuvenation to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and also in the treatment of scarring. acne scar treatments.

Microneedling is relatively pain-free. We apply a topical numbing cream to your skin 30 minutes prior to the start of your microneedling procedure.  This significantly minimizes discomfort throughout the procedure. The process is often described by clients as feeling like a scratching sensation.  However, it is possible for some to find the microneedling process uncomfortable. The most likely areas for sensitivity are the forehead, hairline and boney areas around the eyes. We are always able to adjust depth and settings based on your comfort.

Microneedling is considered to be a very safe procedure, minimally invasive procedure that when performed by qualified practitioners, nurses and doctors, is very well tolerated in clients + members. As with any aesthetic treatment, there are a number of side effects that generally resolve soon after the procedure. These include temporary redness of the treated area, itching and a small amount of bleeding around the puncture sites.

At home microneedling devices present a range of potential problems. The equipment available for home use involves needles that are both shorter, more blunt, and typically in the shape of a roller as opposed to perpendicular to the skin.  This makes for a less effective and has a higher risk for infection, as well as the possibility of scar tissue development as opposed to collagen dense skin regeneration. This is a consequence of both inadequate sterilization and suboptimal technique.

Microneedling is a tried and true skin care and anti-aging treatment. Microneedling is safe for all skin types, including those with melasma, and has highly impactful results with very little down time. Therefore, YES, we absolutely think microneedling is a great treatment option for anyone who has skin concerns and would like to maintain or import the youthfulness of their complexion!

In order to maximize and maintain the results achieved by microneedling, regular treatments are required. The expected number of treatments needed to achieve your desired results will be discussed at your consultation. Booking a consultation also provides an opportunity to ask any questions that you might have about microneedling and decide on which procedure is most appropriate for achieving your goals. For most of our clients who are new to collagen induction therapy we recommend starting with at least 3 sessions 4 weeks apart, followed by 1-3 treatments per year.

Microchanneling is simply a less aggressive microneedling procedure.  Microchanneling is used in conjunction with other facial treatment modalities to increase the penetration of topical skincare products deeper into the dermis for greater efficacy and enhanced results.

You have likely heard of PRP facial treatments (also known as vampire facials) A PRP Facial is a microneedling treatment using platelet-rich plasma which is a component of your blood that can lead to impressive results when absorbed into your skin. A traditional microneedling treatment incorporates a handheld, pen-like device with a tip that stamps very thin needles, creating tiny injuries in the skin. This injury stimulates the skin to repair itself with new collagen and elastin. When this procedure is coupled with the growth factors from platelet-rich plasma, the regenerative results can be greatly enhanced.

PRP facials have a proven ability to enhance the skin's overall appearance also making it look tighter and smoother.  It’s is also fantastic at fading brown pigment and melasma. Furthermore, microneedling with PRP can break up and regenerate acne scars. The treatment can visibly improve texture, tone, and radiance by stimulating cell repair and boosting collagen—all undeniably enticing benefits. PRP combined with microneedling is considered to be the gold standard for collagen induction therapy.

We begin the appointment by performing a simple blood draw from your arm. The tubes are then placed into a centrifuge, which spins the blood, separating  into three distinct layers: plasma on top, platelets and blood cells in the middle, and red blood cells at the bottom. PRP comes from the center part, known as the serum portion,This serum is critical to the treatment because it promotes cell repair and stimulates collagen and elastin production, which are vital to maintaining firm and smooth skin.

Your provider will apply a topical numbing cream to your face, allowing it to take effect while they perform a simple blood draw from your arm.  After collecting your blood, the practitioner spins it in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the red blood cells. Once the topical numbing cream has been removed and your skin cleansed and prepped, your provide will use a specialized microneedling device to create tiny holes, or microchannels, on the skin's surface. These microchannels serve as pathways for the extracted PRP, which your provider applies topically. The whole process takes around an hour.

After a PRP facial, your skin will look red like a mild sunburn and feel hot like a sunburned sensation. The redness typically subsided by the next morning.  Your skin will look dull with a slightly rough texture for the first week.  It mike flake as it heals.  The second week the skin looks better and better each day and really starts to glow by the end of the second week.

The evening following your procedure you will rinse with cool water and then apply PRP again from the syringe we prepare for you to go home with. You will do the same thing the following morning.  24 hrs after your treatment you will cleanse with a gentle cleanser and apply a hydrating cream.  You will continue this for the 2 weeks following your procedure. You will need to hold off on using any of your home skin care products that contain active ingredients, such as glycolic, salicylic, benzoyl peroxide,  or retinol.

The risks associated with a PRP treatment are minimal since it uses your own blood, the potential risks related to the microneedling include scarring, sun sensitivity, and infection on the skin surface or at the blood draw site.  These are all extremely rare occurrences.

We only use licensed medical provides for our PRP treatments. All of our PRP treatments are under strict safety and infectious disease protocols. These protocols ensure you get your PRP facial in a sterile environment. Some standards that we uphold include single use blood draw supplies, discarding of used needles/sharp objects in biohazard disposals immediately and safely, as well as medical and hospital grade disinfectants and cleaning of all surfaces between procedures and appointments.

Those with fine lines and wrinkles, high levels of sun damage, or anyone who desires a fresher, more even-toned complexion are ideal candidates for the PRP Facial. However, you should avoid PRP treatments if you have a history of blood diseases, including clotting or bleeding disorders.

Certain supplements or medications could potentially interfere with platelet function, so it's crucial to discontinue them beforehand. These include: Blood thinners, aspirin, ibuprofen, garlic, turmeric, ginseng, St. John’s Wart, Valyrian root,  and Ginger. You will also want to come off of any of your home skincare products that sensitive your skin.  You should avoid directs sun exposure and tanning beds for 2 weeks prior to a PRP Facial.  The 24 hrs prior to your scheduled appointment, you should focus on drinking extra water to make the blood draw as smooth as possible.

Hydrafacial FAQs

A HydraFacial is a skin treatment which involves the use of a medical-grade hydradermabrasion device that carries out a patented three-part regimen: cleansing, exfoliating, and then infusing skin with intensive serums. This approach vacuums out pores while simultaneously pushing in potent actives that moisturize, brighten, plump, and protect. The machine's handpiece holds a patented spiralized treatment tip which is equipped with a vortex technology, which both vacuums and infuses as it glides over your skin.

HydraFacials can be helpful for all skin types and will boost exfoliation, hydrate, plump, brighten, firm, smoothing fine lines, and improve the effects of sun damage.

There are three main steps to a HydraFacial: First, the skin is cleansed and exfoliated to loosen dead skin cells. Next, the extraction. During this step, a practitioner uses a suction tool to unclog pores and reduce congestion. Finally, a serum blended with antioxidants and collagen is applied and the device infuses them into the skin. The end result: plumped, hydrated, and glowing skin.

One of the perks of a HydraFacial is the little to no downtime post-treatment. Some people may experience redness, but most can expect to see the skin looking plumper, more hydrated, and refreshed. For the rest of the day after your facial, we recommend not washing your face and avoiding any workouts or activities that would make you sweaty. It’s important to use SPF to protect the skin from sun exposure post-treatment.

All skin types can generally tolerate this treatment, but typically don’t recommend it for those who have active rashes, sunburns, or rosacea. It’s also not approved for those who are pregnant, as some of the ingredients used during the HydraFacial, such as salicylic acid, haven't been tested and proven safe during pregnancy. Acne-prone may people experience breakouts after the treatment. If you are on Accutane, you should discusses with your dermatologist beforehand to ask if this facial is safe for you.

Most people who have experienced a HydraFacial LOVE this treatment.  And many opt to get them done on a regular 4-6 week schedule to maximize the benefits and keep their results lasting long term. We expose our skin pollution, makeup, and many other environmental impacts and there is only so much our at-home skin care can remove. Deeper peels and other device based skin resurfacing are powerfully corrective, however may leave the skin sensitive and have some visual downtime. A HydraFacial is a great way to begin or maintain your journey to healthy skin. It offers an immediately visible benefit while also helping to improve the skin’s appearance over time, and complements other treatments that may be performed when trying to address signs of skin aging or other skin conditions.


IPL stands for “Intense pulsed light” and is an energy based skin treatment that can reduce brown pigment and age spots as well as treat inflammation, acne, and redness of the skin.

IPL works in a similar way to laser therapy. The difference is that where laser therapy delivers a single wavelength of light energy, IPL delivers multiple wavelengths. This means that IPL can treat a larger area of skin in a shorter time than laser therapy. Using a handheld device, a our laser and devices certified providers will target multiple wavelengths of light onto the skin. This light heats cells in the skin and breaks them down. The body then removes the damaged tissue naturally.

IPL is pivotal as a treatment for a range of skin issues. These include: active acne, rosacea or inflammatory conditions of the skin producing redness, hyperpigmentation such as sun damage and age spots. In conjunction with a prescribed medical grease skin care protocol, and additional in office resurfacing, IPL is a powerful tool to rejuvenate tired or aged skin.

IPL is safe for most people but is not suitable for everyone. IPL is best suited for lighter complected people and works best on white or light brown skin than on darker skin. Other factors that make people unsuitable for IPL treatment include: pregnancy, breastfeeding, current or recent accutane use, recent sun exposure or tanning bed use.

IPL is very safe when performed by an experiences and licensed provider. However it is important to consider risks with any skin resurfacing procedure.  Risks of IPL are similar to any energy based device or resurfacing treatments. This can include: pain, skin discoloration, blisters, swelling, infection, crusting, or scaring.

You will get results from a single session however, we always recommend that IPL be performed in a series of treatments and in conjunction with other skin rejuvenation procedures such as chemical peels and medically corrective facials.  We also keep safety and risk mitigation at the forefront of our protocols and therefore will mandate some clients do a 4-6 week preconditioning with a pigment suppression and retinol home skincare protocol.  Anyone who is properly pretreated on our ZO Skinhealth pre and post treatment protocol will get better results, maintain their results for a longer period of time, and reduce the risk of a suboptimal result.

A medical professional will use a handheld device to deliver pulsed light therapy. During the procedure, people may feel a pinching sensation. Some individuals have described this as a feeling similar to an elastic band being “snapped” on the skin. Topical numbing creams do not seem to dull this sensation, however we do offer additional comfort modalities such as oral pain medication and nitrous oxide if you choose. Our trained professionals also help people overcome this discomfort by using cooling measures like ice packs and a cold air.

Immediately after the procedure, the treated area may look red or pink. This tends to last for no more than 24 hours.  Some people may also notice a stinging sensation in their face for several hours after IPL. This feeling may resemble that of having a mild sunburn. A moist cloth or cool pack can help ease the stinging. Mild swelling is also common, usually lasting for only several days after the procedure. During the recovery period, people should avoid putting makeup on the treated area for 24 hours. The brown pigment treated by IPL will appear darker for about 1 week. It will then flake off from the surface of your skin as new skin cells form underneath.

Laser Hair Removal FAQs

Although laser hair removal effectively delays hair growth for long periods, it usually doesn't result in permanent hair removal. Multiple laser hair removal treatments are needed for initial hair removal, and maintenance treatments might be needed as well.

Laser hair removal is most effective for people who have light skin and dark hair, but it can be successfully used on all skin types.

Risks of side effects vary with skin type, hair color, and adherence to pre-treatment and post-treatment care. The most common side effects of laser hair removal include: Skin Irritation, temporary discomfort, redness and swelling. Any signs and symptoms typically disappear within several hours.

Laser hair removal isn't recommended for eyelids, eyebrows or surrounding areas, due to the possibility of severe eye injury.

The difference between Brazilian and Bikini Hair removal is Brazilian style targets more area of har coverage from the front to the back, where Bikini targets just the hair showing over the bikini line.

Some areas of the body are more sensitive to laser hair removal than others. Discomfort is very easily managed with our device and protocol because we use a fantastic cold air blower which makes our laser hair removal procedures virtually painless.

Laser (Erbium) FAQs

The laser works by emitting a wavelength of high energy light that is measured in 2940 nanometers. When focused on a certain skin condition, the laser device creates heat that safely destroys and removes diseased or abnormal cells. Erbium lasers are one of the most common types of laser treatments and are used for many different applications. Though the device that delivers the treatment has a large range of applications for many different skin types, this particular treatment is especially great for lighter skin tones.

Each patient is different, just as the skin conditions they present are different. That said, depending on your specific condition and its level of severity, multiple Erbium laser sessions may be needed to achieve best results – though most treatable conditions with this technology often require more than one treatment. At your consultation, our experienced team will discuss your needs and go over your procedure in detail to determine how many sessions may be the best fit for you.

An Erbium treatment has little to no pain. Discomfort is minimal and is usually compared to the “snap of a rubber band.” We also apply a topical numbing cream to the treatment areas about 30 minutes prior to your session.  This also minimizes the post procedure heat sensation.

Risks and side effects include: Pain, discomfort, skin irritation, discoloration, burning sensation of mild sunburn, blister formation, infection, pigmentary (color) changes (hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation), scar formation at the treated site, poor cosmetic outcome, recurrence of vessels at the treated sites. The majority of undesirable tissue effects occurred on tanned skin or in Fitzpatrick skin types III and higher, meaning people with darker skin tones. We also keep safety and risk mitigation at the forefront of our protocols and therefore will mandate some clients do a 4-6 week preconditioning with a pigment suppression and retinol home skincare protocol.  Anyone who is properly pretreated on our ZO Skinhealth pre and post treatment protocol will get better results, maintain their results for a longer period of time, and reduce the risk of a suboptimal result.

Recovery after an Erbium laser treatment is usually quite minimal. Patients may experience some mild redness, swelling, itching, or scabbing at the treatment site. In most cases, these side effects are mild and do not prohibit you from carrying out their daily activities. Redness and exfoliation (flaking of skin) is associated with this procedure and may last from 1 – 14 days or more depending on the depth of the laser peel performed. It is not unusual for deeper treatments and fully ablative treatments to take 2 weeks for the skin to fully heal. There may also be initial weeping or crusting. Keeping the area moist with a light application of our occlusive barrier ointment will aid in the healing process. Unprotected sun exposure in the weeks before and following treatments is contraindicated as it may cause or worsen this condition.

A Summer Laser Peel is a microdermabrasion followed immediately by an light  Erbium laser treatment designed to provide very little visible down time and healing so you can get back outside, while not missing a beat, correcting or maintaining your skin.  It precisely removes the outermost layers of the skin and is individually tailored to your priorities.

A Summer Laser Peel can improve many skin conditions with minimal healing and downtime.  Some conditions it targets are: Wrinkles, Scars, Enlarged Pores, Face Bumps, Uneven skin texture, Pigmentation problems, and Overall sun damage.

Anyone looking for better results than microdermabrasion or light chemical peels can offer, but doesn’t want the healing process involved with a more aggressive laser resurfacing.

Microdermabrasion only removes the most outer layer of the skin. Although Microdermabrasion is an ideal "polishing" procedure, more long-term visible effects require deeper peeling. The Summer Laser Peel can reach a deeper layer of the epidermis. Because this procedure is customized to your needs, it is the perfect step between Microdermabrasion and deeper laser or peel options.

One procedure could be sufficient for at least 3-6 months, but additional procedures can be performed as required. A package of three to four treatments may be best for you.

Following your Summer Laser Peel you can expect Smoother, healthier and more vibrant skin. You will notice a significant and immediate change in skin texture and tightness.

A topical anesthetic is applied 30 minutes before the procedure. This makes the procedure virtually painless.

No! A Summer Laser Peel is NOT like a CO2 or deep chemical peel and requires nothing more than a protective ointment such as Aquafore or Vaseline. This is used as a barrier to keep the air away from your skin while you grow new epithelium (like baby skin cells). You will probably use it for one to two days. After that, a moisturizer can be used.

The healing process will generally take from two to four days. The procedure can be performed on Thursday or Friday and you can return to work the following Monday. Immediately following the procedure you will feel as if you have a bad sunburn. You will have minor sloughing and itchiness the following day. By day two, redness will begin to fade and by day three any redness can be easily covered by makeup.

Q-Switch for low contrast pigment/melasma/intimate lightening FAQs

The Q-Switch treatment utilizes a low heat, fast firing treatment laser treatment for low contrast brown pigment, intimate lightening, and melasma. The laser beam energy from the q-switch produces nanosecond pulses to break down excess pigmentation. The body's immune system will slowly remove the shattered melanin. This technique involves multiple sessions (usually 4-10 sessions depending on skin and pigment response) and can be done as often as 2 times per week.

Q-switched lasers deliver low heat energy very fast, in the order of a nano or picosecond. This laser selectively acts on the melanin or pigment containing cells of the skin, leaving the surrounding skin untouched.  It is therefore considered as one of the most effective and safe treatment for hyperpigmentation conditions such as melasma.

One of the key advantages of a q-switch treatment is that there is no downtime since the epidermis or outer most layer of your skin remains intact. You may hover a very mild redness for up to 24 hours however most people consider this to be neglegable and will return to work and daily activities right away.

Melasma and low contrast brown pigment can lighten in only one q-switch treatment but we typically recommend a series of treatments. Q-Switch treatment can be done as after as 2 times per week. Many people need upwards of 5 sessions or more to reach optimal results.  Also, other treatment modalities are commonly used in our practice. The use of chemical peels, microchanneling, microneedling, stem cell lightening serums, compounded lightening creams, and home skincare products always increase the lightening effects when used in conjunction with q-switch laser treatments.

Hyperpigmentation can occur in areas of the body beyond the face. Many women experience increase in dark pigment to their skin following hormonal fluctuations such as pregnancy.  Intimate lightening is a very safe and effective way to give you back your confidence when it comes to hyperpigmentation of the bikini line, buttocks, and labia.

For an intimate lightening treatment we combine a q-switch laser treatment with a topical chemical peel, with powerful lightening ingredients.  We then have you use a cream two times a day on the treated areas at home, to continue the lightening process.


PiXel8® is a device treatment which uses a handpiece and a single use tip which stamps tiny channels into the skin. It can reach deeper skin depths than traditional microneedling with heat generated by radiofrequency.  It has all of the benefits of traditional microneedling, plus skin tightening and additional collagen production. The RF energy delivered deep into the skin produces faster, more dramatic results over traditional microneedling.

By creating multiple microscopic holes just into the surface of the skin, microneedling stimulates the skin’s ability to produce collagen and elastin, and to heal itself. The healing process produces permanent structural changes in the skin which result in better skin texture and long lasting improvement. The addition of radiofrequency at the tip of the stamping delivers and extra stimulation deep in the collagen building layers of the skin.

No, the PiXel8-RF micro-needling is not painful. As clients + members have indicated, there are some small discomforts involved in the treatment, but with the application of topical anesthetics and the additional use of cool air, ventilation provides comfort during a session. Pro-nox Pain Relief is available for any service that requires extra care and comfort. Pro-nox is a combination nitrous oxide and oxygen analgesia system, offering rapid onset pain management and anxiety relief. It is similar to what you would receive at the dentist to help take the edge off.

Yes. Compared to other laser treatments, the PiXel8-RF utilizes only radiofrequency energy. The microneedles are designed to precisely deliver the pulse towards the dermis tissues. Visually, there is no thermal damage made to the epidermis, and almost removes completely any risks of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation on dark skin types.

Patients should expect minimal to almost no downtime and a few restrictions required after the following radio micro-needling treatment. The area treated may become red within 24 hours. However, a much more aggressive treatment, depending on the desired outcome, will increase downtime.

Obvious results are visually seen after just one treatment. However, it is suggested to go through a series of 3 treatments for optimal results. Each treatment is made within a span of 4 weeks apart.

Yes. Humans are exposed to low levels of man-made radio frequencies on a daily basis. Devices such as TV, WiFi, and phones are one of the many examples of frequencies people can be exposed to. Studies have shown possible known risks with RF are the potential burns made from thermal heating effects for people under the influence of high doses. However, the PiXel8-RF procedure uses a minimal amount of RF required from trained skincare specialists in order to ensure the best results possible on your behalf.

Ultherapy FAQS

Ultherapy Ultherapy, also known as Ulthera, is a device treatments used to lift and tighten the skin of the face, neck and chest.  It is the only FDA-approved device for skin lifting and tightening.  Our clients love this treatment because there is virtually NO visible downtime and 1 treatment is all you need until a maintenance appointment every 18 months-2 years.

Ultherapy uses sound waves which stimulate a gradual lift to the skin on your brows, cheeks, jawline, neck and chest, minimizing fine lines and wrinkles  to gradually lift the skin on your neck, chin, and chest. Using micro-focused ultrasound, Ultherapy delivers heat to the superficial, medium and deep layers of your skin. This heat causes the skin to tighten and lift because we can visually target the layer of skin attached to your muscle layer. The production of newer and tighter collagen is how this treatment produces its stunning results.

People with some degree of skin laxity due to normal aging are usually good candidates for Ultherapy. If you have loose skin under the neck and chin, and/or lines and wrinkles on your chest, you might benefit from treatment. While Ultherapy is not a replacement
for a surgical facelift, many people with mild to moderate signs of aging are not ready for surgery, whether physically, mentally, or financially.

Unlike traditional surgery, there’s no downtime with Ultherapy. You can get back to your normal activities immediately following your treatment. At first, your skin may appear flushed, but the redness typically goes away within a few hours. Some clients + members report slight swelling, tingling, or tenderness to the treatment area, but these3535 aftereffects are temporary and typically mild. Less common side effects may include temporary bruising or numbness. We’ll go over all details at your consultation.

Many clients + members experience subtle results almost immediately, but full results appear over two to three months and can last up to a year or more. Touch-up treatments in the future can offer more control over the aging process, which varies by each individual.

There can be discomfort during the treatment when the ultrasound is being delivered. Nitrous Oxide and other distraction and coping methods are available to optimize you comfort.

FAQs Medical Grade Skincare (ZO Skinhealth)

Medical grade skincare refers to a skincare line which has been specifically developed for cellular level correction of skin conditions or concerns. For example, ZO SkinHealth has specific protocols and combinations of products which reduce inflammation associated with acne or rosacea, suppress and lighten brown pigment or age spots, and growth factor based protocols for collagen strength and anti-aging effects. These products come with a higher concentration of active ingredients. Medical-grade skincare brands have often been subjected to rigorous clinical studies, which means they have been proven in a lab to be effective in treating the condition for which they have been developed.

If a brand comes with a medical-grade label, it has scientific clinical based evidence that it is fromulated with strong concentrations of active ingredients. Active ingredients are things like hydroquinone, retinol, AHAs, BHA, and Antioxidents, as well as growth facts and peptides.
They are designed to penetrate deeper into the skin where problems like age spots and collagen loss occur. This is how a specific combination of products can deliver more dramatic results. Picking up a product that's labeled medical-grade isn't a replacement for seeing a professional about your skin. It's also important to note that, while these products might be effective, some ingredients require extra supervision, monitoring, and adjustments to protocol while they're being used.

Pharmaceutical-grade products for your skin are less accessible than mainstream skincare. Often, you will have to purchase them from a clinic which is managed by a medical provider with prescription authority. Although ZO skin health may be available on the internet by 3rd party sellers, their authenticity cannot be verified and therefore may very well be counterfeit. You should only buy ZO skin health from from authorized in store sellers, and/or the online storefront associated with your clinic.

It is crucial to incorporate medical-grade skincare at home after any in office skincare treatment or procedure. Using tested products with higher concentrations of active ingredients will help you to maintain the appearance your procedures achieved. Your provider will recommend post-treatment skincare that is medical grade to help supplement the results of your procedure as well. 

There is a reason why your skincare professional will recommend medical-grade skincare after you’ve undergone any in office anti-aging or skin rejuvenation treatment. They work better than anything you can purchase over the counter. And we want you to protect your investment. Just like diet and exercise accompany medically supervised weight loss, your home skincare regimen is what you feed your skin day and night and therefore makes a huge difference in your overall results as well as the longevity of your results.

While pharmaceutical-grade skincare is often more expensive than drugstore skincare products, they come with a larger amount of each active ingredient, making them more potent, more effective, and better at protecting your investment in skincare treatments. 

Over the counter skincare products are not required to have clinical studies done. They are not held to the same standard as medical grade products. Medical grade products go through extensive testing and years-long research. By law, they must have a 99.9% pure active ingredient.

ZO skincare is based upon the fundamental principle a strong skin barrier. The skin barrier breaks down with age, climate extremes, hormonal fluctuations, chronic illness, and environmental free radical exposure over time. Addressing and improving the health of the skin barrier always starts with the fundamental principles of Getting Skin Ready, followed by Prevent and Correct products, soothing/hydrating products/and SPF.

ZO focuses on the principles of hydrators rather than moisturisers to minimise skin tolerance, whilst promoting intrinsic skin hydration. This can be achieved through skincare containing ingredients that turn on the intrinsic sprinkler system cells in our skin, while also preventing it from evaporating. This process forces the skins cells to make intrinsic hydration, rather than rely on a cream which cannot even penetrate the skins surface

Both come from Vitamin A but the difference is how they penetrate in the deep layers of the skin to create cellular turnover. Retinol penetrates the cell walls easier than Retin A or Retinoic acid. Retinols convert to Retinoic acid inside the cells. Retinols tend to be easier to tolerate than Retinoic acid causing less irritation. Retinols come in varying strengths like Retinoic acid, so the higher the strengths the greater their effectiveness. Both Retinol and prescription Retinoid products are used in the ZO Skin Health products.

Retinol creates irritation which initiates the controlled inflammation and exfoliation which can upcode skin cell DNA to reverse the aging cells function. ZO SkinHealth retinol products have the addition of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and plant bases which allow for better penetration of this vitamin-A molecule with less redness, flaking and irritation.

Retinols and Retinoic acid in ZO Skin Health products are effective to exfoliate the outer layer of skin and preventing build up of dead layers of cells. Both create growth of healthy cells, exfoliate the dead outer skin layer, reduce brown spots for even skin tones and diminish signs of aging.

Hydroquinone is a melanin (pigment) blocking agent used for bleaching the skin and suppressing the pigment producing cells of the dermis. Dr. Obagi and his biochemist have reduced pure whitening to gentle blending of normal skin color in areas where “post-inflammatory inflammation” has created dark blotches like in scars, acne, skin bites, as well as brown pigment in sun exposure.

The ZO Sunblock is formulated to block UV skin damage and pigmentation. It provides anti-oxidation and anti-inflammation to the sun’s rays and also reverses DNA damage and on-going effects of sun damage.

A simple tip is to apply your products from thinnest to thickest or from liquid to oil. During the day we typically recommend a simple cleanser, scrub, toner, antioxidants, corrective products, skin strengthening products, eye creams and of course, sunscreen. At night, that’s when you load up on skin care actives.

Step 1: Cleanse
Step 2: Scrub (2-3 times a week)
Step 3: Oil Control or Tone
Step 4: Correct
Step 5: Stabilize/Strengthen
Step 6: Stimulate
Step 7: Protect

This order of application allows for greater absorption of ingredients, it’s very important to remember you have to support the skin before you stimulate the skin.  The best analogy I have is, “You have to build the house before you install the windows” Which means, the skin needs to complete a 6-8 week cycle of these steps, cleanse-scrub-oil control or tone-stabilize which means strengthen and always protect.  Once, that initial phase is complete then schedule a follow up to begin correction and stimulation.

Generally it takes 6 weeks for adjustment and tolerance to a corrective skincare line but you can begin to see cellular turnover within 2 weeks. As you continue to use and adjust to your regimin, and are exfoliated, brown spots will reduce, skin texture will become smoother, and fine lines and wrinkles will be reduced.

The proper order of application allows your skin to receive the maximum benefits of each product.  Therefore, the products will illicit the full amounts of efficacy as the products work synergistically to enhance your skin results. Another important factor to consider is the time it takes for your skin to absorb your products.  Order is important, but timing is more crucial. The main goal is results and efficacy and in order for that to be obtained the skin has to absorb the ingredients, so allow at least a minute between each application.

The detailed protocols within the ZO skin health corrective lines incorporate highly concentrated product and are extremely effective at stimulating cellular turnover, collagen production, hydration and reversing dry, dull skin. This is because the getting skin ready and oil control steps prior to the application of treatment based products have exfoliated the skin properly and reduced the oily sebum. You can’t put a water based product over an oily skin surface and get any penetration. Oil and sebum control are KEY to getting your treatment products down to the skin cells where they really work.

You should reach out to us any time your getting concerned about the sensitivity and redness of your skin so our trained professionals can take a look at your progress and advice on adjustments or breaks between certain products based on your skins response. It will take at least 6 weeks for your skin to adjust and acclimate to a corrective ZO regimen.

ZO offers various skincare products to be used daily and at every stage of your life. As your skin changes, so can your ZO skincare regimen.

If you have been looking at ZO products and the ZO principles, you may be wondering what Getting Skin Ready means. Getting Skin Ready is an essential ZO Principle for both daily maintenance and preparing the skin for therapeutic medical/corrective products. This technique ensures that the skin functions properly, tolerating daily exposure and activities and preventing skin conditions. Adopting GSR Getting Skin Ready will prevent and control acne, rosacea, shaving bumps, skin pigmentation issues, enlarges pores and rough and damaged skin texture.


Because not all supplements are created for optimal absorption and not all bodies can optimally absorb even the highest quality supplements. Oral vitamins are broken down through the digestive system (stomach, intestines) and then go through the liver for metabolizing. Anyone who has a poor diet, GI disorder, gut dysbiosis (imbalanced gut microbiome), or gut inflammation will not be able to absorb oral vitamins at the levels their body needs. Infusions and injections bypass the gut and 90% or more of the vitamin is absorbed by the body. Vitamin injections are more bioavailable, and the body can utilize them more efficiently.

IV therapy delivers fluids through a tiny needle right into the bloodstream. Since this bypasses the digestive system, nutrients are absorbed faster and at higher concentrations than they would be otherwise. This allows the client to experience their effects within minutes.

IV therapy works by delivering vitamins and minerals into the bloodstream through a drip. Usually this takes place in a medical office under medical supervision. You can also receive IV therapy in the comfort of your home via a mobile provider. The process usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour.

Just about anyone! Please schedule a consultation with us to discuss your health status and long-term wellness goals to determine the best IV options for you.

Unfortunately, IV therapy is not for everyone. At Aspen Aesthetics + Wellness, we are unable to treat clients or members with chronic heart failure or chronic kidney disease. If you are having a medical emergency, we cannot treat you and you should instead call 911 or go to your nearest hospital.

First schedule a consultation with us to discuss your needs. During the consultation, our nurse will take your medical history, perform a short medical exam, and check your vital signs. This helps us determine the most appropriate treatment for you.

Next it's time for the infusion! Our nurse uses a tiny needle to insert a catheter into your arm, which is then connected to tubing that allows the IV drip to flow. This drip is a customized blend of saline, vitamins, minerals, and medication tailored to your symptoms. During this process you'll be monitored until the infusion is complete.

The last step is removal and aftercare. We will remove the catheter and apply pressure to the insertion site to stop bleeding and prevent any bruising. Vital signs will be taken, then you are free to enjoy the rest of your day!

Your body may feel the effects within minutes (they say the optimal effect is 24-48 hours after infusion). Whether you’re being treated for hydration, to repair damaged cells, to replenish electrolytes, or to increase your energy, you’re sure to be feeling better in no time. In addition, we can add various medications to help relieve pain, nausea, and a variety of other less-than-pleasant symptoms.

Cold & flu, nausea & vomiting, altitude sickness, allergies, fatigue, poor sleep, hormonal imbalances, hangovers, food poisoning, migraines, morning sickness, acute illness and infection, dehydration – just to name a few! 

Schedule a one-on-one consultation with us to determine what the best plan of action is to get you feeling your best.

Most of our infusions take one hour from start to finish. Infusions such as NAD+ and High-Dose Vitamin C can take up to three hours, but don’t worry – we plan for that!

The benefits of IV therapy can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks!

IV therapy is a great addition for the quick treatment of acute symptoms as well as an excellent addition to a long-term health regimen.

  • Corrects vitamin deficiencies & imbalances

  • Higher bioavailability (as compared to oral vitamin supplementation)

  • Direct delivery of nutrients

  • Higher concentration of vitamins absorbed

  • Optimal dosing (the body will take what it needs)

  • Quicker and more efficient than oral supplementation

Our trained nurses do their best to make this process as easy as possible, but nothing is without a risk of side effects. 

Side effects associated with IV therapy can include:

  • Infection at the injection site

  • Bruising

  • Inflammation in the veins

We do a thorough intake exam, including vital signs, to ensure we have real-time information to establish the best treatment for you!

  • Complete bioavailability – vitamins are injected directly into the bloodstream, which means you don’t lose any during the digestion process.

  • Customized to your health needs – your IV therapy can be customized each time you come in. Ask about our core recipes as well as add-ons available depending on the symptoms you’re experiencing when you arrive.

  • Hydration – In Colorado, we are already behind the game in hydration. IV therapy provides a fast and effective avenue to achieving optimal hydration.

  • Quick benefits – You may feel more energy and less unpleasant symptoms within minutes of receiving your infusion. There is no better option than IV therapy if you need to feel better fast.

Hydrate, eat and dress comfortably. During your appointment, you’re invited to relax with an eye mask, or you can bring a book or tablet to read or work during your time with us.

After the infusion, you may notice feelings of relaxation, sustained energy, improved mental focus, and overall total hydration. Additionally, you may taste the vitamins in your mouth (they taste the way vitamins smell!) and you may notice your urine is a little more yellow than normal (this lets you know your body got what it needed). Some people notice redness or bruising at the IV site – this is expected and will go away. Some infusions have infusion-specific expectations; these will be discussed with you at the time of treatment.

This depends on what you’re treating. We have a whole set of protocols designed to treat various ailments; these call for treatments as frequently as once a week and as infrequently as once a month.

When the nurse inserts the needle, you may feel a small pinch but it subsides momentarily. Our nurses have years of experience and are trained to insert IVs with minimal discomfort. After the initial insertion, the needle is thrown away and all that remains is a flexible catheter in your arm, which means you can move your arm as much as you want while receiving treatment.

We will do a thorough consultation to better understand your goals, and then we can recommend the best combination to support you in your weight loss journey.

At Aspen Aesthetics + Wellness, we use saline, dextrose, and Lactated Ringer’s. Each of these services has a specific purpose and will be used depending on the determination of your needs.

We also use a multitude of vitamins in your treatment. This list is extensive and best discussed with your provider to determine your needs.

Each treatment meets a unique need your body has! The best way to understand which treatment will best suit your needs is to have a custom wellness consultation with one of our licensed medical professionals.

Our infusion blends are carefully curated with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids in strategic ratios to target the main benefit. We have a whole menu of pre-measured infusions available to you, but our nurses are passionate about helping each client develop a custom plan to meet their needs. 

Schedule a consultation with us for an infusion curated specifically to your body’s needs.

Depending on the treatment protocol our team develops for you, you may need baseline bloodwork done to determine appropriate dosing. If this is the case, we are happy to send you to your PCP for these labs, or we can draw them in-house for a low cost. Once we receive your results, we can fine-tune your course of treatment to improve your health target.

Congratulations on your little one! We have a select few vitamins and fluids that are safe for use in pregnancy. Please call our licensed medical professional to discuss how we can meet your needs.

IV therapy can help alleviate symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and dehydration, which are common during pregnancy. It can also provide essential nutrients and fluids to support maternal and fetal health, especially in cases where oral intake is inadequate or not tolerated.

 IV therapy for pregnancy may include fluids, electrolytes (such as sodium, potassium, and chloride), vitamins (such as vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin D), and minerals (such as magnesium and calcium). The specific components of IV therapy will depend on individual needs and medical recommendations.

IV therapy is often used to manage severe morning sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum) by providing hydration, electrolyte balance, and nutritional support when oral intake is insufficient due to persistent vomiting. It can help alleviate symptoms and prevent complications associated with dehydration and nutrient deficiencies.

We do! Call Emily at (719) 256-0272 to schedule your next big event with us.

An intramuscular (IM) injection is a quick and easy way to get the nutrients you need for your body to feel its best. We inject the nutrients into a large muscle where they are absorbed into your bloodstream.

Getting vitamins this way is more effective than taking them orally because it bypasses the first-pass metabolism that happens with ingestion. Benefits vary depending on the nutrients you choose but have been known to help boost your immune system, enhance physical performance, improve your focus, aid in weight management, support joint function, and improve cellular health.

First, our nurse will take your medical history, perform a short medical exam, and check out your vital signs. This helps us to determine the most appropriate treatment for you.

Next it’s time for the injection! Our nurse uses a small needle to inject the nutrients into a large muscle (deltoid, glute, or quadriceps). We cover the injection spot with a band-aid and you’re off to enjoy the benefits!

You may notice some soreness and light bruising at the injection site for a couple days after treatment. While it isn’t necessary, you can gently massage the site to alleviate any soreness you may feel.

Yes, though they may be given as two separate injections in different locations on your body. We can combine some nutrients, but some are required to be given independently. Ask your nurse if this is a good fit for your situation.

IV infusions and IM injections are both optimal options for getting all of your essential vitamins and minerals delivered efficiently. The biggest differences between services are the route of administration and the time commitment for each.

IV infusions take 30-90 minutes from start to finish and involve vitamins and minerals being delivered through a small catheter in your arm directly into your bloodstream. This is the method that ensures the highest level of bioavailability.

IM vitamins and minerals are injected directly into the muscle and then absorbed directly into the bloodstream. From start to finish this procedure only takes about five minutes. This option is great if you’re in a rush and need a quick option to support your health.

Unfortunately, most insurance companies do not cover IV therapy. At Aspen, we are a cash-pay service provider. If you’re curious about help with financing, ask us about working with Cherry or Care Credit.

At Aspen Aesthetics + Wellness, you must be over 18 years old for IV/IM therapy.

Our vitamins and minerals are all made in the United States and represent the purest form of vitamins available. We pride ourselves in only offering the highest quality products available.


As we age, our body gradually decreases the amount of NAD being naturally produced, which accelerates the symptoms of aging. NAD+ infusions increase these levels, supplementing the over 500 cellular functions NAD+ plays a role in. In general, healthy individuals may or may not notice a big change in how they feel, but the reparative benefit from an NAD+ infusion can be an overall boost for your system. Ongoing studies are looking at NAD+ and its neuroprotective properties as well.

The main goal of NAD+ infusion therapy is to help your body clean house of cellular components that may be damaged. This can help reset the baseline of cellular health. The first phase of your NAD+ infusions will involve loading doses over four weekly sessions. After your loading doses, you’ll receive monthly maintenance sessions of NAD+.

Similar to NAD+ infusion therapy, those interested in preventative health modalities and general wellness are good candidates for NAD+ IM injections. You’ll receive 125mg NAD+ injections weekly for a month, with each appointment only taking about 15 minutes. For an extra energy punch, spend some time in our full-body cryotherapy chamber before your injection!

Compared to NAD+ infusions, NAD+ injections will increase your NAD+ levels and optimize the energetic capacity of your cells gradually.

Whole Body Cryo FAQs

The benefits associated with Whole Body Cryotherapy are vast and include:

• Pain relief + muscle recovery

• Reduced inflammation + enhanced circulation

• Enhanced immunity + antioxidant effects

• Weight loss + metabolism boost

• Increased collagen production

• Improved mood + enhanced sleep quality

• Elevated energy + alertness

Whole Body Cryotherapy (Whole Body Cryotherapy) is a  system that exposes the body to extremely cold temperatures for a short period to promote various health and wellness benefits. The treatment typically lasts between 2-4 minutes.

Whole Body Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to lower the chamber temperature to as low as -140°C (-220°F). This extreme cold triggers the body’s natural fight-or-flight response, stimulating blood flow, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing and recovery.

While cryotherapy does come with some risks, it is considered generally safe when performed by trained professionals. Our team is present to control the temperature levels and ensure your comfort, making cryotherapy a very safe and effective treatment. Liquid nitrogen is used as a chilling agent and is well-monitored to ensure it does not come into contact with your skin. 

Once you’ve changed, had your temperature taken, and are suited up in your cryo gear, you’ll spend anywhere from 1 to 3 minutes in our cryo chamber (depending on how well your body tolerates the cold). You may feel an intense cold sensation but this feeling is brief and improves once you get out. The whole process usually takes about 30 minutes from start to finish.

We’ll ask you to wear your undergarments under a bathrobe or body wrap provided by Aspen Aesthetics + Wellness, as well as mittens, socks, and slippers to protect your extremities. A face mask and hat are available on request.

After a cryotherapy session, it is recommended to engage in light physical activity to help re-warm your body. Stay hydrated and follow any specific post-session instructions provided by your cryotherapy specialist.

The frequency of cryotherapy sessions depends on your individual goals and needs. Some people benefit from sessions a few times a week, while others may prefer less frequent treatments. Please schedule a consultation  with an Aspen+ team member to determine the best schedule for you.

Cryotherapy can boost your metabolic rate as your body works to warm itself after exposure to cold temperatures. This increased metabolism can aid in weight loss over time.

Yes! Cryotherapy can enhance skin tone and texture by increasing collagen production. It may also help with conditions like eczema and psoriasis by reducing inflammation.

Cryotherapy can promote the release of endorphins and other mood-enhancing chemicals, which may help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve mood, and enhance overall mental well-being.

Cryotherapy helps reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, promoting faster recovery after intense exercise. This can enhance overall athletic performance and reduce downtime between workouts.

Of course! Our chamber comes equipped with a window that can be rolled down. This ensures you have as much contact with our trained operator as you’d like. The door to the chamber is also never locked, so you are in full control of getting in and out of the chamber at all times.

Common side effects include temporary redness, skin irritation, and numbness. Severe side effects are rare but can include frostbite if not performed correctly. Always ensure the procedure is conducted by trained professionals.

Unfortunately, there are a few conditions that are contraindications for cryotherapy. These include:

• Seizures and/or seizure disorders

• Pacemaker placement/arrhythmia

• Acute respiratory illness

• Anemia or clotting/bleeding disorders

• Raynaud’s Syndrome

• Kidney disease (acute or chronic)

• History of bypass surgery

• Diabetes

Infrared Sauna FAQs

A far infrared sauna uses infrared light to create heat, which penetrates the skin and heats the body directly, offering various health benefits. Unlike traditional saunas that heat the air around you, far infrared saunas use infrared light to produce heat directly within your body.

Unlike the saunas found at gyms, infrared saunas use infrared heaters to emit light waves that are absorbed by the surface of the skin instead of using dry heat or steam to heat the space. This heats the body directly without significantly warming the surrounding air, allowing for a more comfortable and effective sauna experience.

In general, yes. It is important to stay hydrated before, during, and after your session. Please consult with your physician before using the infrared sauna if any of the following apply:

• Pregnancy

• Multiple sclerosis

• Open wounds

• Fever

• Joint injuries + metal implants

• Cardiovascular disease + pacemaker

• Diabetes + high blood pressure

Side effects are rare but can include dehydration, overheating, and light-headedness. Always stay hydrated and listen to your body to avoid these issues.

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your session. Wear light, comfortable clothing or use the sauna semi-nude if preferred. Avoid heavy meals and alcohol before the session.

You will experience a gentle, soothing heat that promotes sweating and relaxation. Depending on your comfort level and experience, each session will last anywhere from 15-45 minutes.

We encourage you to bring a water bottle, towel, and book. Due to the high temperatures, we do not allow electronics inside the sauna room. You can also use the quiet time to destress and take a break from the busy hustle and bustle of life.

Temperatures can range from 125° - 140°. 

The increased blood circulation from infrared heat helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, promoting healing and a healthy glow.

Yes, far infrared saunas can help alleviate pain by increasing circulation, reducing inflammation, and relaxing muscles and joints. This can be beneficial for conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and muscle soreness.

Red Light Therapy FAQs

Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that uses low-level wavelengths of red light to penetrate the skin and promote various health benefits such as skin rejuvenation, pain relief, and improved cellular function.

Red light therapy works by emitting red and near-infrared light that penetrates the skin and stimulates cellular activity. This process enhances ATP production (cellular energy), reduces inflammation, and promotes healing and regeneration.

Red light therapy offers numerous benefits including improved skin health, reduced inflammation, accelerated wound healing, pain relief, enhanced muscle recovery, improved joint health, and better mood and sleep.

Unlike tanning in a tanning bed, red light therapy is considered safe and non-invasive. Our red light panels do not use UV light so there is no risk of skin damage. This makes it suitable for all skin types and tones.

Eye protection is not required; however, the lights are very bright and looking at them directly can cause irritation.

No. You will get the most benefits if your skin is clean and dry.

Red light therapy has been shown to help treat a variety of conditions including the following:

• Acne + wrinkles + scars + psoriasis + eczema

• Muscle aches + joint pain + arthritis

• Hair loss

• Seasonal affective disorder

• Post-surgery recovery

The frequency of red light therapy sessions depends on your specific needs and goals. For general skin health and rejuvenation, 2-3 times a week may be sufficient. For pain relief or more intensive treatments, sessions may be needed more frequently.

During a red light therapy session, you will be exposed to a red light device for 15-30 minutes. The treatment is painless, and you can relax or listen to music while the light does its work.

Results can vary based on the condition being treated and the frequency of sessions. Some people notice improvements after a few sessions, while others may require several weeks of consistent treatment to see significant benefits.

Red light therapy is generally well-tolerated with minimal side effects. Some people may experience mild redness or tightness in their skin, which usually subsides shortly after the session.

If you use medications such as Tetracycline, Digoxin (used for heart irregularities), and/or photosensitizing drugs (e.g., tranquilizers, sulfa drugs, oral anti-diabetic drugs, antidepressants, and steroids), please consult your physician before using red light therapy.

Individuals with certain conditions, such as light sensitivity or epilepsy, should avoid red light therapy. Pregnant women should consult their healthcare provider before starting treatment. Individuals with tattoos or recent laser hair removal should talk to an Aspen+ Team member before treatment.

Normatec® Compression Therapy FAQs

NormaTec® compression therapy is a treatment that uses dynamic air compression to enhance blood flow, reduce muscle soreness, and accelerate recovery. It involves wearing specialized sleeves for legs, hips, or shoulders that inflate and deflate in a controlled manner.

The NormaTec® system uses a patented pulse massage pattern that mimics the natural muscle pump of the body, compressing and then releasing. This helps to improve blood flow, remove metabolic waste, and reduce swelling and inflammation.

Benefits include enhanced circulation, reduced muscle soreness and inflammation, accelerated recovery, improved athletic performance, reduced swelling and fluid retention, and enhanced flexibility and range of motion. 

A session can be anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. 

Yes! NormaTec® compression therapy can be safely combined with other treatments such as IV infusion therapy, cryotherapy, or red light therapy to enhance overall recovery and wellness benefits.

Yes, NormaTec® compression therapy can be beneficial for managing chronic conditions such as lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency, and other circulatory issues. Always consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it is appropriate for your specific condition.

During a session you will experience a very tight squeeze that will work its way up the chamber of the device for the area you are treating (arms or legs). The system cycles through periods of inflation and deflation. This is very relaxing much like a massage. 

Comfortable clothing that isn’t too loose-fitting. If clothing is too loose it can bunch inside the device and cause discomfort. 

The frequency of use depends on your individual needs and goals. Athletes and those recovering from intense physical activity may benefit from daily sessions, while others may find 2-3 sessions per week sufficient for general recovery and wellness.

Side effects are rare but can include temporary discomfort, redness, or increased urination due to enhanced circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Anyone with the following conditions should not use compression therapy:

  • Uncompensated organ failure (heart, liver, or kidney)

  • Deep vein thrombosis

  • History of blood clots

  • Severe varicose veins

  • Open wounds

  • Broken bones (in the treatment area)


Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) is a medical treatment that enhances the body’s natural healing process by inhalation of 100% oxygen in a total body chamber where atmospheric pressure is increased and controlled. 

Breathing 100% oxygen at an increased pressure greatly enhances the supply of life-giving oxygen to the tissues. To understand how mHBOT works, one must first realize that under normal conditions (one atmosphere absolute or ATA), we are subjected to approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch of pressure. The air we breathe is composed of 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen. During mHBOT, those conditions are altered. The pressures can be increased while 100% oxygen is breathed by the patient by mask or oxygen hood.

It has long been known that healing in many areas of the body cannot take place without appropriate oxygen levels in the tissue.  Most illnesses and injuries occur, and often linger, at the cellular or tissue level. In many cases (such as circulatory problems, non-healing wounds, and strokes) adequate oxygen cannot reach the damaged area and the body’s natural healing ability is unable to function properly.  Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy provides this extra oxygen naturally and with minimal side effects. Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy improves the quality of life of the patient in many areas when standard medicine is not working. 

Hyperbaric oxygen is used to treat all conditions that benefit from increased tissue oxygen availability as well as infections where it can be used for its antibiotic properties, either as the primary therapy or in conjunction with other drugs.

Current studies show positive responses to mHBOT therapy in the following off-label conditions:

  • Alzheimer’s

  • Autism

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Lyme Disease

  • Migraines

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Near Drowning

  • Surgical Healing

  • Sports Injuries

  • Stroke

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

At Aspen, we aim to stay up to date with the developing research. Schedule a consultation with our medical professionals to see if mHBOT treatment is right for you.

• Wear clean cotton clothing; jewelry and wigs are not allowed in the chamber

• Refrain from wearing perfumes and heavily scented lotions

• Do not drink alcohol or carbonated beverages for four hours before treatment

• Stop smoking before mHBOT treatment (this interferes with your body’s ability to transport oxygen effectively)

mHBOT therapy is administered by allowing 100% pure oxygen to flow into a pressurized chamber for a specified amount of time. These chambers are designed for one client at a time and have a clean pad, pillow, and sheet to make your experience more comfortable. If you are claustrophobic, don’t worry! Each chamber has a clear window at the top that allows for communication between you and the technician. You’re always welcome to stop by Aspen Aesthetics + Wellness to take a tour and get all your questions answered before treatment.

mHBOT sessions range from 60-120 minutes. For this treatment to be effective this amount of time is necessary for allowing the pure oxygen to get into your system and start working on a cellular level. While you’re in the chamber, reading a book, meditating, or taking a restorative nap are great ways to pass the time.

The answer to this is variable. Treatment plans can range from 5 to 50 sessions and can vary from treatments daily or once a week. Each plan is customized to your body's needs. When you reach a maintenance phase of treatment, weekly treatments are recommended.

Results from mHBOT therapy will vary based on conditions, their severity, and the treatment plan you and your provider discuss. Some people may feel relief quickly while others may see slower ongoing improvement over longer treatment plans. The mechanism of mHBOT delivers much-needed oxygen to different parts of the body, which is a great foundation for getting your health on track to get you feeling better.

Although there are minor risks like all medical treatments, overall Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is extremely safe. The risks will be discussed with you before you sign your consent form for therapy.

Most people do not experience side effects from mHBOT therapy. Occasionally some clients + members may experience vision changes during treatment – this is temporary and resolves within minutes after treatment. The most common side effect is barotrauma to the ears and sinuses caused by the change in pressure. This risk can be minimized by adequate clearing of the ears during compression; your technician can coach you in this technique before treatment.

Prior to treatment, please let our medical professional know if any of the following pertain to you:

  • If you have any cold or flu symptoms, fever, sinus or nasal congestion, or chest congestion.

  • If there is a possibility that you may be pregnant.

  • If there has been a change in any of your medications.

  • If you have skipped a meal before your HBO treatment.

  • If you are diabetic and did not take your insulin before your treatment.

  • If you have any concerns or anxiety.

Bioassessment FAQs

Cell Science Systems bioassessments are advanced diagnostic tests that analyze various aspects of your health such as food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, and metabolic function. These tests provide personalized insights to help optimize health and wellness.

Anyone looking to optimize their health and wellness can benefit from bioassessments. They are particularly useful for individuals with chronic health conditions, unexplained symptoms, or those seeking personalized nutritional and lifestyle recommendations.

Aspen Aesthetics + Wellness offers a range of bioassessments, including the ALCAT Test for food and chemical sensitivities, the Micronutrient Test for nutritional deficiencies, the Gut Health Profile, and genetic tests for personalized health insights.

The ALCAT Test measures your body’s cellular response to over 450 substances, including foods, additives, and environmental chemicals. It identifies sensitivities and intolerances that can cause inflammation and various health issues.

The Micronutrient Test assesses your body's levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, and metabolites. It helps identify deficiencies and imbalances that can affect energy, immunity, and overall health.

The gut health profile analyzes your stool sample to assess gut microbiota composition, digestive function, and inflammation markers. It provides insights into gut health and its impact on overall well-being.

Genetic tests offer personalized health insights by analyzing your DNA. They can reveal predispositions to certain conditions, nutritional needs, and optimal exercise regimens-helping you make informed lifestyle choices.

Preparation varies by test. For blood tests, fasting may be required. For stool and saliva tests, specific instructions will be provided. Always follow the guidelines provided to ensure accurate results.

During your appointment, a healthcare professional will collect the necessary samples (blood, stool, or saliva) and provide instructions. The process is straightforward and typically takes only a few minutes.

Results typically take between 1-3 weeks, depending on the specific test.

Cell Science Systems uses advanced laboratory techniques and rigorous quality controls to ensure accurate and reliable results.

Of course! After we receive your results, one of our expert providers will contact you to schedule a one-on-one consultation to review your results and make a treatment plan customized to your needs. If you’re interested in seeing your improvement, check out our Personalized Wellness package!

Yes, bioassessments can help identify underlying causes of chronic health issues such as fatigue, digestive problems, allergies, and inflammation. They provide valuable insights for developing targeted treatment plans.

CryoFacial®/CryoSkin 3.0® FAQs

Cryoskin 3.0® is a non-invasive treatment that uses cold temperatures to reduce fat, improve skin appearance, and promote overall body contouring. We use it to offer treatments like CryoSlimming® and CryoFacials®.

Cryoskin 3.0® uses a wand that rapidly alternates between cold and warm temperatures to target and destroy fat cells, tighten skin, and improve circulation. The cold temperatures cause fat cells to undergo apoptosis (cell death), which the body then naturally eliminates.

Benefits include fat reduction, improved skin tone and texture, reduced cellulite, enhanced body contouring, and rejuvenated facial appearance. The treatments are quick, painless, and require no downtime.

Cryoskin 3.0® is suitable for most individuals looking to reduce fat, improve skin tone, and contour their body. However, it is not recommended for pregnant women, individuals with severe cold sensitivity, or those with certain medical conditions.

Each session typically lasts between 20-40 minutes, depending on the treatment area and the specific procedure being performed.

Side effects are rare but may include temporary redness, swelling, or numbness in the treated area. These effects typically subside within a few hours.

Yes, Cryoskin 3.0® can help reduce the appearance of cellulite by improving circulation and breaking down fat cells, resulting in smoother and firmer skin.

CryoSlimming® FAQs

CryoSlimming® is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate fat cells, helping to contour and slim targeted areas of the body.

CryoSlimming works by applying a wand that alternates between warm and cold temperatures to the treatment area. The cold temperatures cause fat cells to undergo apoptosis (cell death), which the body then naturally eliminates through the lymphatic system. 

CryoSlimming is suitable for individuals looking to reduce stubborn fat pockets that are resistant to diet and exercise. However, it is not a weight loss solution and is best for those who are already at or near their ideal weight.

CryoSlimming® can target various areas of the body where stubborn fat accumulates, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, love handles, back, and chin.

Benefits of CryoSlimming® include fat reduction, improved body contouring, non-invasive treatment with no downtime, quick sessions, and visible results after a few treatments.

The number of sessions needed varies depending on individual goals and the specific treatment. For CryoSlimming®, 3-5 sessions are typically recommended.

Results can last for several months, depending on individual lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise. Maintenance sessions are recommended to prolong the results.

During the treatment, a trained technician will apply the Cryoskin® wand to the target area. You may feel alternating sensations of warmth and cold, which are generally well-tolerated. The process is painless and relaxing.

It is recommended to avoid eating heavy meals and drinking alcohol before your session. Stay hydrated and wear comfortable clothing. Avoid intense exercise immediately before the treatment. 

Yes, CryoSlimming® can be combined with other treatments such as CryoFacials®, compression, and IV/IM treatments to enhance overall results. 

CryoSlimming® offers a non-invasive, painless alternative to treatments like liposuction and CoolSculpting. It provides immediate results with no downtime, making it a convenient option for body contouring and fat loss.

There are no major restrictions after a CryoSlimming® session, but it is recommended to stay hydrated, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, and maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to maximize results.

Our Testimonials


Top notch experience! The office is beautiful. Everything was explained to me. The appointment wasn't rushed and I was able to ask questions. Very professional and welcoming team. Kelly has an amazing technique that made the injection process quick and easy. Thank you Aspen Aesthetics!
Suzy Reyes
I’d had filler before coming to Kelly, but quickly learned how much of a difference her education and skills matter vs my old injectors. Kelly made sure I was comfortable and was very easy to talk to throughout the process. She made my lips look better than I’ve ever seen them before!
Erin Hansen
This was my first ever chemical peel, and Kelly was great! She is so educational and helpful in explaining the process and all of the following steps + skincare. I can’t wait to see my results and follow up with her again!
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